Have you recently lost a family member, such as a spouse or child, because of the negligent or irresponsible actions of someone else? Could their death have been prevented if mistakes had not been made? If so, first let us offer our heartfelt condolences. We understand you must be overwhelmed with grief and anger for this tragic situation. Next, we’d like to inform you about filing a wrongful death claim in order to bring you closure and hold the responsible parties accountable for their role in this terrible accident.
Sometimes our clients express that they don’t understand the point of a wrongful death suit or feel guilty “capitalizing” on the death of their loved one. This is understandable. However, a successful wrongful death lawsuit can accomplish several very important things:
First, it can help you recover financially from hospital bills accumulated before the death and the costs needed for funeral arrangements. Second, if the deceased family member was a contributing or primary breadwinner in your household, we can secure the funds your family was counting on to get by. Depending on the situation and the age of the deceased, we may be able to collect enough money to keep you going for many years.
Just as importantly, winning a wrongful death case sends a clear message to the responsible parties that their actions are reprehensible and that they cannot get away with such dangerous behavior. This is especially true in cases where your loved one died at the hands of someone in a position of authority, such as a healthcare professional whom you trusted to help, not harm.
Only certain people may file a wrongful death claim in South Carolina. They are limited to:
We know that winning a wrongful death claim cannot erase the pain you and your family are feeling, but it can ease some of the financial and emotional burdens that have been placed upon you. You may be dealing with insurance adjusters anyway, and we want to handle that for you. Our legal team has more than 45 years’ combined experience with these situations and we will handle your case with compassion and understanding.
Ronald S. Clement Attorney At Law provides legal representation for family law, personal injury, and criminal defense cases in Greenville and throughout the Upstate region of South Carolina.
Phone: (864) 233-6225
Fax: (864) 298-0033
8 Williams St
Greenville, South Carolina 29601